Names Agrius (SentinelLabs)
DEV-0227 (Microsoft)
BlackShadow (Kaspersky)
SharpBoys (?)
AMERICIUM (Microsoft)
Pink Sandstorm (Microsoft)
Agonizing Serpens (Palo Alto)
Country Iran Iran
Motivation Information theft and espionage, Sabotage and destruction
First seen 2020
Description (SentinelLabs) A new threat actor SentinelLabs track as Agrius was observed operating in Israel beginning in 2020. An analysis of what at first sight appeared to be a ransomware attack revealed new variants of wipers that were deployed in a set of destructive attacks against Israeli targets. The operators behind the attacks intentionally masked their activity as ransomware attacks.
Observed Countries: Hong Kong, Israel, South Africa.
Tools used Apostle, ASPXSpy, BFG Agonizer Wiper, DEADWOOD, Fantasy, IPsec Helper, Moneybird, MultiLayer Wiper, PartialWasher Wiper, Sqlextractor.
Operations performed Feb 2022 Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply‑chain attack
May 2023 Agrius Deploys Moneybird in Targeted Attacks Against Israeli Organizations
Last change to this card: 29 November 2023