Names Aoqin Dragon (SentinelLabs)
UNC94 (Mandiant)
Country China China
Motivation Information theft and espionage
First seen 2013
Description (SentinelLabs) SentinelLabs has uncovered a cluster of activity beginning at least as far back as 2013 and continuing to the present day, primarily targeting organizations in Southeast Asia and Australia. We assess that the threat actor’s primary focus is espionage and relates to targets in Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Vietnam. We track this activity as ‘Aoqin Dragon’.
The threat actor has a history of using document lures with pornographic themes to infect users and makes heavy use of USB shortcut techniques to spread the malware and infect additional targets. Attacks attributable to Aoqin Dragon typically drop one of two backdoors, Mongall and a modified version of the open source Heyoka project.
Observed Sectors: Education, Government, Telecommunications.
Countries: Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Singapore, Vietnam.
Tools used Mongall.
Last change to this card: 01 January 2023